Friday, March 29, 2013


We flew 2 hours to Lalibela for the weekend.  It is absolutely beautiful and such a nice break from the insanely busy Addis.  Even just being able to breath in clean air has been a treat.  The hotel we are staying at is very nice and was actually the same place Bill Clinton has stayed at in the past!  We spent all day today with a tour guide learning and visiting the incredible underground stone churches.  There is so much history here, it's hard to take in in just a couple days.  Tomorrow we are flying  back to Addis, but we will continue to try and plan fun little trips around Ethiopia for the weekends.  It's hard to believe we have been away for 3 weeks already!  I can't wait to see everyone when I get home, but I feel like we are just starting to have a soft spot in our hearts for Ethiopia.

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