Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beads & Babies

Mission Ethiopia was one of the neatest things we've seen since being in Addis.  It employs around 200 woman who are either HIV positive, single-mothers or have leprosy and otherwise would be begging on the street.  This organization gives them a full-time job making beaded jewelry, scarves and bags.  We got a chance to see the main building they work from and picked out some beautiful necklaces.

After school today, Henok (who works for The Ethiopian Guest Home) took us to one of the orphanages they work with.  They had the most precious little tiny babies I have ever seen.  As Jenn and Leanne were cradling little angels for an hour, I had the privilege of being a human jungle gym for the toddlers was awesome.  The people that work there are so loving and good to the children... and when Henok showed up, it wasn't hard to tell how much the kids adore him.  It's pretty cool to see a guy our age with such a passion for helping children. 

Tomorrow he is taking us to the other orphanage that specializes in taking care of HIV positive children.  It's so nice to spend time with the kids, but you can't help but get a huge lump in your throat when you look around at the huge room of children and babies with no mommies or daddies.... The women who work there must be doing a pretty incredible job though, as every child had a huge smile on their face.

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